Sunday, October 5, 2008

A New Beginning

Well, it has been six months since I have written about something useless. I have decided to start anew and you can find my new and not-improved blog at


Tuesday, April 8, 2008

Wow! It has been awhile.

Hello to all of you five people that read my blog. Time flies. I am sitting here typing with a head cold and I realized that since Spring Break, I haven't wrote anything. Lots has happened since then. I managed to go to Seattle and see the Phoenix Suns (Shaq and Nash!) play the Seattle Supersonics. It is real sad to think that the Sonics will be leaving town. What a shame. I don't want to start getting into a rant about how the NBA took away the Grizzlies.

Then I went to Las Vegas (my stag) for the weekend over Spring Break. I survived.

I saw Eddie Vedder play his first solo show ever last Wednesday. He was rough around the edges, but for a die hard Pearl Jam fan like myself, it was bliss. He sang some great covers like "I Won't Back Down" and "Throw Your Arms...". It was an eclectic set and the sound was superb in the Centre for Performing Arts. I still can't believe I scored a ticket to the show (yes, I went by myself).

I realized that I have been craving for any new television after I found myself yelling at Paula Abdul during American Idol tonight. I don't think my life can get any lower. I however have learned a new negotiation tactic in the future. Just speak like Paula to confuse your superiors. "I like you as a boss, you're definitive, you have a glow about you... a positivity that radiates, you are just, you."

LOST has been glorious and this month will bring about the return of some shows, thank goodness. The episode "The Constant" I think ranks as my favourite episode of the past four seasons. Just brilliant. Time travel has never been so cool (except for Back to the Future).

Enough rambling...


Monday, March 3, 2008

Random Ricky Gervais clip

Stumbled across this clip from the brilliant mind of Ricky Gervais. The guy is brilliant at times. If you have never seen the original version of "The Office" you should definitely give a try. Gervais' last series, "The Extras", which is comedic gold as well, is currently on Showtime. Gervais always manages to do awkward to perfection and he often captures the petty feelings that many of us harbour, but never really say out loud. He can show how low humans can be at times, which creates tons of humour. Only Gervais could get away with the making fun of world hunger and poverty. OK maybe Chris Rock could as well.

Here is the clip.

Hope your Leap Year Day was most enjoyable.

Wednesday, February 27, 2008

The Price is really Right

One summer, probably just after grade 4, my younger sister and I would sit down and watch "The Price is Right" every single morning. 10 am. Monday to Friday. And me, being the simple person I was, would dream about being on the show, screwing someone over by making the "$1" bid, winning $20,000 playing Plinko, spinning the gigantic wheel and hitting "$1.00", and winning both showcases with a bid that was only $99 off of the actual retail price. Considering how many episodes I watched that summer and in my entire lifetime, I think I only ever saw two contestants win both showcases. I happened to catch the prime time broadcast of The Price is Right last week with the newish host Drew Carey (no Bob Barker) and check out this unbelievable win. (Background info: The girl BIDS on the first showcase, which is quite possibly the worst move ever. Everybody knows you PASS on the first showcase. I think I have only seen one instance where the first showcase was better.)

Sunday, February 24, 2008

Other movies that I saw in 2007:

Into The Wild:
A tad overrated. I know people enjoyed this one and I did too during the showing, but then afterwards I was a bit mystified why I should feel for someone who went out of their way to go into the wild on their own and made the mistake of eating a poisonous mushroom. Up until that point, I found the movie very enjoyable and Catherine Keener does a great job in the role of a motherly hippie.

If you get past the gross, immature setups, this movie is really a movie about friendships and kids acting like adults, but with no clue what that means. The two cops represent trying to get back to that youthful, carefree age. That is what life is really about... when we are younger, we try to act older, and when we are older, we try to become younger. This movie was well done and I liked it more than Knocked Up.

Knocked Up:
Some very funny bits. Some great insight on relationships and marriage. Yet, I can't really place why this is not my favourite Apatow movie. Maybe I just don't buy the main relationship between Seth Rogan and Katherine Heigl.

Visually arresting film, but ultimately I got worn down with the continual battle scenes. This movie epitomizes pop culture... full of fluff and sweet and disposable like candy. I am interested in Zach Snyder's next film, The Watchmen.

The Host:
A Korean film that you may have not seen, but it did get released here in the North American market. To explain that this film is about a mutant monster on the loose by the Han River in Seoul and the bonding of a dysfunctional family that attempts to rescue their young sister who gets kidnapped would not fully capture what this movie is about. The movie is about redemption, love, the bonds that tie family, and it just happens to involve a monster that eats people by the bucketloads. Highly enjoyable.

Harry Potter And The Order Of The Phoenix:
Not my favourite HP, but nonetheless I enjoyed this film. I enjoyed it even more after watching it in 3D at the iMax. I am a bit disappointed that David Yates is doing the next movie. I liked how the HP franchise was bringing in new directors with each new film. Number 3 still remains my favourite of the bunch. Thank you Alfonso Cuaron.

The Darjeeling Limited:
It always seems like when PT Anderson releases a film, Wes Anderson does the same. Only Spike Jonze is missing from the mix. This is not my favourite Wes Anderson film, although I know most of the critics liked it. I found that the pacing of the movie was staggered and that the usual idiosyncracies of a Wes Anderson film did not make me laugh as much as others. Maybe I need to see this movie again, as I viewed it on a small screen flying on an Air Canada flight. Rushmore remains the high water mark for me.

I can't think of any other films that I saw this year. I did not see as many films as I usually do.


Oscar Madness: Finally the Movie Review of 2007 (or the longest blog entry you will ever see)

The Oscars are tomorrow and I realized I better chime in on my movies of 2007. Here goes...

I must confess that I did not see as many movies this year as I normally do. I think being so very busy and more addicted to TV caused me to miss so many films in a really banner year. Many people are claiming 2007 to be one of the best year’s in film and I feel like I cannot chime in properly on this debate (for me personally 1994 ranks up there). However, I thought I would share with some of my thoughts with you, whether you want to hear them or not.

First off, movies that I didn't see in 2007 and wish to see in no particular order:
- The Simpsons Movie: One of my all-time favourite comedies, a show that I stopped watching after season seven or eight. Season four represents comedic perfection. I never got around to seeing this one in the summer. I have heard that it is decent.
- 3:10 To Yuma
- The Assassination Of Jesse James By The Coward Robert Ford
Both cowboy movies that brought the Western back in full force. I can’t remember the last James Mangold (Copland) directed movie. As for the Brad Pitt-Jesse James movie, it looks good, but it
-Gone Baby Gone
Ben Affleck as a director sounds scary, but the reviews from this movie are scary good. Casey Affleck supposedly scores a double dose of goodwill with this movie and “The Assassination of Jesse James… yada yada”.
-Sweeney Todd: The Demon Barber Of Fleet Street
Tim Burton looks like he goes back to his strengths of blending bizarre with horror.
-Michael Clayton
I have heard that this movie is a compelling feature. I am a big fan of Tom Wilkinson.
-Before The Devil Knows You're Dead
Sidney Lumet supposedly still has something significant to offer to the cinematic world in this film that supposedly showcases too much Tomei.
-The Diving Bell And The Butterfly
French film that I have heard is brilliant.

Now some comments on my favourite movies of 2007.

Movies that have endings that are a bit ambiguous or unsatisfactory resolutions OR movies that might not appeal to the average moviegoer:
There Will Be Blood
No Country for Old Men

Before I begin, I you to understand that I wish I knew more about movie-making and I wish I have had some formal education when it comes to films. So what I say, I say from my miniscule knowledge and experience with film.

Two of my favourite directors are David Fincher (Seven, Fight Club) and PT Anderson (Boogie Nights, Magnolia, Punch Drunk Love). Let's start with PT's latest offereing "There Will Be Blood first." This movie, starring Daniel Day Lewis, has gained critical acclaim within the film critic society. I saw this two weeks ago and I have still been wrestling with it in my head. The story follows Daniel Plainview's ascension to an oil tycoon. I would love to spend a day talking to Daniel Day Lewis. This guy is simply intense. This guy is like the Tiger Woods of the acting world. Tiger Woods doesn't enter as many tournaments as the other pros, but he pretty much wins any of the ones that he enters. Daniel Day Lewis doesn't do many movies, but he pretty much wins an Oscar every time. That has to be pretty deflating for all those other actors trying to hone their craft. I almost feel like that Daniel Day Lewis' performance is an extension of his Bill the Butcher character from Gangs of New York.
DDL is riveting in every frame that he appears in and his eyes... his eyes burn with a maniac edge that won't be denied his black fortune. "I drink your milkshake!" What a line. This is not my favourite PT Anderson movie (Magnolia may be it) but it is an interesting film that is propelled by the dynamic soundtrack of Johnny Greenwood (of Radiohead fame). However, I don't know if I could sit through this movie again. It is long and only simmers without exploding. It is like a trapped geyser that never gushes and I think that may be frustrating for most viewers. And I suspect that people may not be entirely satiated with the final ending.

Oscar prediction: There Will Be Blood will bring another Oscar for DDL. And that will be it.

Zodiac, by David Fincher, is another movie about obsessions. This story recreates the San Francisco Zodiac killer's reign of terror back in the 70s. I found the movie completely engrossing as a character study of how people get so engrossed and involved in something to the point where everything else falls apart on them. I want to watch the DVD version of this, because supposedly Fincher uses tons of CGI in subtle ways to recreate an older San Francisco. There are moments of tension and apprehension peppered throughout the film, but again I believe viewers will be upset that nothing is tidied up like a stupid one hour episode of CSI. Mark Rufalo, Robert Downey and Jake Gyllenhall do a great job in this movie. I liked it, but I don't know if you will.

Once when I was in grade one, I lied to my mother about needing money for Beavers (like a mini-version of Cubs or Boys Scout). Instead, I really wanted the money to buy a pack of hockey cards. My mother sensed that I was lying to her and she pressed me why I needed the quarter. I folded like a cheap lawn chair and she quickly sussed out that I was lying. She was extremely disappointed, because this was the first time I ever lied to her. I felt a deep shame and I still vividly remember that moment even today.

Like my lies, Atonement is about lies that can linger for a lifetime. Mind you my lying didn't have damaging consequences that cut deep into my life. Atonement has a certain freshness to a period piece and the pacing of the first half allows the film to simply fly. The heat between Kiera Knightley (never a big fan of hers, but she is smoldering in this film) and James McAvoy is almost uncomfortable to watch and never has such a vulgar four letter word been used as such a damaging weapon. This movie again, has an ending that will leave many viewers a bit unsatisfied. The pacing of the last half of the movie cannot match the first, but I would pay to watch this movie again just to view the elegant single cut scene of James McAvoy's character as he wades his way through the evacuation of Dunkirk. The single cut scent surpasses the ones in Children of Men and almost, almost matches the one in Goodfellas (the one where Ray Liotta's character enters into the bar).

Oscar prediction: I wouldn't be surprised if Atonement walked away with the Best Film Award, simply because it is a safer choice than the others.

No Country For Old Men:
At the end of January, I was invigilating the Math 12 provincial and as I walked around and glanced at some of the questions that the students were working on, I became a bit wistful. I used to know how to do those questions. I used to be at a level of math that probably represented the pinnacle of my academic prowess. I was no longer that high school student full of youth and energy. I was just a teacher who could no longer remember the trig identities, like the cosine law, from a decade ago. Youth has faded for me, much like it faded for Tommy Lee Jones in "No Country for Old Men". The movie title did not make much sense for me until the end. Then the title rang through loud and clear with a truthfulness for all those who are aging and see their youthfulness fade.
I must say that I really enjoyed this movie. The suspense was ratcheted up in many scenes and Javier Bardem's Chirgurh character is absolutely chilling. A pure evil killer. This movie is violence and madness all recaptured by the Coen Brothers, who haven't done something like this in awhile. I know people will feel robbed of a proper climax, one that happens off screen, one that frustrated me as I left the theatre. But as I thought more and more about this movie, maybe that is what the Coens were trying to achieve. Maybe through the violent nature of the movie and the fact that someone like me felt ripped off by the lack of a violent resolution, the Coens hope to reveal that bloodthirst is within us and permeates our culture. In math, I am not satisfied with just using the cosine law, rather I want to know how it works in all its bloody glory. But by knowing all the details will that illuminate how the cosine law works? Will the knowing of the process satisfy me? Is it necessary? Maybe the Coens are saying that the end result and the answer is all that we should focus on. Maybe using the cosine law and having an answer mysteriously pop up, allows us to use our own imagination of how we got that answer. We are allowed to fill in the gaps. Which is why I don't think the average filmgoer will like this compelling journey about the madness that can arise from our choices in life. Sometimes we want the gaps filled in by someone else.

Oscar prediction: Coens walk away with Best Director and Best Film. Javier Bardem takes the Best Supporting Actor

My other favourites?

Juno, the indie darling.
The very beginning of the movie threatened to throw this film off its rails as the dialogue of Diablo Cody was so fake and forced. The scene with The Office's Raine Wilson in the grocery store was almost vomit inducing. However, this movie settled down afterwards and Jason Reitman showed a deft hand in this comedy/drama about a pregnant teenager named Juno. Ellen Page is outstanding as Juno and thank goodness that Michael Cera has been given time to stretch his wings in both this movie and Superbad. He is brilliant. Top notch work by Allison Janney, JK Simmons, Jason Bateman, and Jennifer Garner, make this a film that is enjoyable to watch. The biggest thing I liked is that this movie kept a couple together even though most movies means a pregnancy will split the couple up. This year had two quality high school movies, Superbad being the other, and I have no qualms saying this one was one of my favourites of the year.

Oscar Prediction: None for Director or Actress, but I bet Diablo Cody will win one for Best Original Screenplay, making her the female version of Quentin Tarantino for the next two years.

Pixar is magic. This film about a chef rat was a delight to the eyes and almost brought me to tears near the end. Fantastic movie from a fantastic company. Brad Bird's track record (Iron Giant and The Incredibles) will continue to soar.

Bourne Ultimatum:
Remember the game Hungry Hungry Hippos? You would just nail the heck out of the hippo levers and the marbles would go crazy and you would have no idea who was winning and then finally after the frenzy the last marbles would disappear and the game would be over.

That is what is feels like watching this movie. Matt Damon has completely won me over with these films and I think this third one may be my favourite of the bunch. An enjoyable adrenaline ride that I want to see again. The close quarters fighting in Casablanca (is that the right location) was just nuts and I never thought a textbook could be used for such lethal force. This was my favourite popcorn movie of the year.

Worst films?

Spiderman 3:
What a letdown. Simply horrendous. Sam Raimi fell into the Joel Schumacher Batman trap of adding way too many characters. Listen, either focus on Venom or Sandman, but not both. Comic book characters like Spiderman have so much history and lore and to shove two villians in together is asking for too much. I was so disappointed after seeing this film, especially considering how good the first two were.

I am the biggest Transformers geek out there. I can name pretty much any Autobot and Decepticon from the original series (go ahead, try me). I almost cried when Optimus Prime died in the original cartoon movie. (Optimus Prime would have to rank right up there with the best fictional leaders of all time... included in there would be Captain Jean Luc Picard.) I literally jumped up and down with joy when I say the commercial that advertised the return of Optimus Prime. Soundwave is my favourite Transformer of all time. I can even do a pretty good Soundwave impression if you ask politely.

So, with all that geekiness out of the way, this movie was terrible. I don't know where to begin. The eye candy girlfriend who happens to be a grease monkey/tom boy? The wise cracking Shia LaBeouf who is the only half decent thing about this movie, which is sad because this movie is supposed to be about TRANSFORMERS! The too fast CGI fighting scenes, where you can't tell one robot from the other. The terrible robot designs that make the Transformers look like pieces of scrap metal linked together by dental floss. The convoluted plot about some cube that is all powerful, yet when the Autobots find it, they give it to the tiniest and the weakest being... a high school kid, to run around with it to a rooftop. The fact that a robot would assume the form of an ugly ghetto blaster not an iPod. Where to stop? If I were the Autobots, I would send out a signal to warn all the other Autobots to stay away from Earth, because if you came you would have to stay in disguise of a stupid car shape allowing humans just to sit inside of you and boss you around. Stay away Autobots! Earth sucks, just like this movie sucks.

And on one last negative note, is there really a need to nominate Enchanted for THREE songs? Really three? Why not four while you are at it? And has anyone even heard the three songs from Enchanted? Eddie Vedder and Jonny Greenwood were robbed. Talk about an irrelevant music award. (I am so excited to see Eddie Vedder live in Vancouver... I managed to score a ticket to his sold out show at the Centre.)

Enjoy the Oscars everyone.

Oh yeah, other predictions?

Best Actress: That lady from that Madame Cotille movie or whatever it is will win.
Ratatouille takes Best Animated
Best Supporting Actress: Amy Ryan
Best Adapted Screenplay: No Country For Old Men

I already stated, DDL, Coens, Javier, NCFOM as winners in the other bigger categories.

Oh yeah, and Enchanted wins for Best Song. Hurrah!

Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Good News!

Good News item #1:

The TV strike is over! Just wrap up the last eight episodes of LOST. Forget about the rest. (If you love LOST, check out Doc Jensen from EW... he writes the craziest theories). The first two episodes were spectacular and I can't wait to see the next six.

Good News item #2:

Radiohead is coming to Vancouver!!! When? The site doesn't say, but if you scroll down to the bottom, you will see all that you need, the word "Vancouver".

Too bad the Kanye/Rihanna/Lupe Fiasco/N.E.R.D tour only comes as close as Seattle. It doesn't make sense to me that they are going to Calgary, Saskatoon and Edmonton, but not Vancouver. I would love to see Lupe Fiasco and N.E.R.D. live.

Who cares? Radiohead, Radiohead, Radiohead. To hear "Reckoner" live... can't wait.

Grandma's Grammys

I confess that I don't watch the Grammys that often, but I found myself watching this year's show for a couple of reasons:

a) the dearth of new TV shows
b) wanting to catch a glimpse of Amy Winehouse, Alicia Keys, and Feist

First, Alicia Keys simply owned the stage and I cannot stop gushing about her. Check out her performance here. As much as I dislike Jon Mayer, even his presence couldn't ruin Miss Keys' performance. The only negatives? Her hair (much prettier in her first song) and that weird aluminum popcorn crinkled dress.

Personally, I really liked her NYC 2008 New Year's gig. Here is part of that performance. My crush for Alicia Keys grows.

Feist! So proud to see her career sky rocket and she always puts a fresh spin on her tunes. I find it amusing that Kanye West is a fan of hers. A solid performance of 1,2,3,4 by Feist. I am sure that I posted this already, but this is still my favourite version of Feist's Apple ditty. If you have not seen her live and you are a fan, make sure you see her play. She is playing a 2010 show coming up soon in Vancouver.

Amy Winehouse was quite uneven, but I loved her reaction when she won a Grammy.

What irks me about the Grammys is that I feel at times that the voters are out of touch with music in our society. Let's first ignore the fact that there is tons of music out there that doesn't get acknowledged, but I think these Grammys did a fair job of reflecting some solid albums out there. But Foo Fighters over Bruce Springsteen and Wilco?

Further proof that the voters are out of touch is shown with the last award of the night. Doesn't the concept of "Album of the Year" mean that people have actually heard of the album? Herbie Hancock's "River: The Joni Letters" just mystifies me as ALBUM OF THE YEAR! This is why I don't really put much stock in the Grammys. Look I love Joni Mitchell and I got nothing against Herbie Hancock ("Rocket" kicks ass), but c'mon! I never even knew this album existed. I think of the albums in the category I might have given the nod to Amy Winehouse.

Long live the Grammys

Bring on the Oscars

Tuesday, February 5, 2008

One more thing...

Why Alicia Keys why? I heard about her new North American tour and became excited to see this talented beauty in concert. Then I view her tour dates and it hits me. She manages to visit every single city except for Vancouver! She doesn't even come close to the Pacific Northwest. Adding insult to injury, she goes to Toronto and Montreal. Curses. How can anyone reasonable expect to stalk their celebrity crush if they don't come near their neighbourhood?

What's also sucks is that Tom Petty (good work during the Super Bowl Tom) comes only to Seattle and not Vancouver.

Boo-urns I say. Boo-urns.

Uh oh! Belated blogging...

So I have been wanting to post a year in review for movies of 2007. Now it is February 2008. I guess you can expect me to come up with something in the next year or so. Maybe I will manage to share some of my thoughts before the Oscars.

So with the writer's strike what have I been doing?

-more of my Masters course. This officially means that I have run out of multiple things to do, leaving only my school work. Sad sad sad.
-enjoying the few scraps of tasty TV morsels (Friday Night Lights [which had a great three week stretch, but has been awful of late because of some really, really cruddy volleyball scenes, almost comparable to that laughable scene in Top Gun where Tom Cruise plays beach volleyball in fricking blue jeans], House, and


The season premiere was most excellent with a great structure that will define television narration. To think that the show will be telling what happened on the island, what is happening in the present to get back to the island, and what will happen once everyone is back together... brilliant. This is one of the best TV shows ever. And even more exciting for me, no Jack-centric episodes in the next seven. Can't wait. Someone end the writer's strike already, because I want to see the full season of LOST.

Oh yeah, the last couple episodes of Gossip Girl have been excellent as well. The writers were approaching some ridiculous regions with the possibility of father and son dating mother and daughter. I am so glad that they addressed this ickiness with semi-realism. Any show that can make you feel almost a bit sad for Chuck is doing a fine job.

The jury is out for me on the new show "Eli Stone". Johnny Lee Miller looks different and this show is pretty cheesy at times, but funny as well. Natasha Henstridge still looks beautiful (O Canada, where has she been all this time?). Did you know Johnny used to be Jonny (Hackers anyone?) and that he was briefly married to Angelina Jolie? I think people don't realize that he is actually British as well.

Super Bowl was spectacular and I think I laughed hardest at the Justin Timberlake commercial even though it really didn't make that much sense. What's up with the lowbrow humour of getting hit in the crotch? I am practically drooling over the Iron Man movie. I also get a chuckle out of hearing Nevada losing $2.6 million on the New York Giants upset.

Check out all the ads at

I still can't believe the Pats got dominated in terms of defense.

Somebody please help our Vancouver Canucks on defense.

Lastly, this topic matter is quite crude. It is not for people who are sensitive to lots of swearing and tasteless humour. But it does show Matt Damon doing an effective job of comedy.

1st: Jimmy Kimmel's riff on Matt's last flick "The Bourne Ultimatum"

2nd: Matt Damon doing a great impression of Matthew McConaughey on David Letterman

3rd: TASTELESS ALERT. NOT FOR EVERYONE. I know this will offend many of you, so you have been forewarned. I bear no responsibility for this viewing. I am absolved of any possible outrage. Let me off the hook please. Jimmy Kimmel and Matt Damon have a long running joke where Kimmel magically bumps Damon from the show. This is a video made by Kimmel's girlfriend, the potty-mouthed Sarah Silverman, for their anniversary, aided by Matt Damon.

Also, if you are a fan of Stephen Colbert, Jon Stewart, or Conan O'Brien, check out this colossal meeting of the masters of nighttime linked on Entertainment Weekly. It is a fairly long clip, but it is worth it near the end to see Stephen Colbert execute a wonderful dance.

The best video game that I have been playing intermittently is "Rock Band". You play with four players--> involving a mic, drums, bass, and guitar. The gameplay is brilliant and surprisingly fun... you ALMOST, almost feel like you are rocking out in a band.

Finally, I love living in Canada, but seeing a musical lineup like this year's 2008 Bonaroo Festival makes me wish I lived in Europe simply to catch the multitude of amazing festivals that go on. Pearl Jam and Metallica? Kanye and Death Cab? I can only dream.

Peace out.