Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Good News!

Good News item #1:

The TV strike is over! Just wrap up the last eight episodes of LOST. Forget about the rest. (If you love LOST, check out Doc Jensen from EW... he writes the craziest theories). The first two episodes were spectacular and I can't wait to see the next six.

Good News item #2:

Radiohead is coming to Vancouver!!! When? The site doesn't say, but if you scroll down to the bottom, you will see all that you need, the word "Vancouver".

Too bad the Kanye/Rihanna/Lupe Fiasco/N.E.R.D tour only comes as close as Seattle. It doesn't make sense to me that they are going to Calgary, Saskatoon and Edmonton, but not Vancouver. I would love to see Lupe Fiasco and N.E.R.D. live.

Who cares? Radiohead, Radiohead, Radiohead. To hear "Reckoner" live... can't wait.

Grandma's Grammys

I confess that I don't watch the Grammys that often, but I found myself watching this year's show for a couple of reasons:

a) the dearth of new TV shows
b) wanting to catch a glimpse of Amy Winehouse, Alicia Keys, and Feist

First, Alicia Keys simply owned the stage and I cannot stop gushing about her. Check out her performance here. As much as I dislike Jon Mayer, even his presence couldn't ruin Miss Keys' performance. The only negatives? Her hair (much prettier in her first song) and that weird aluminum popcorn crinkled dress.

Personally, I really liked her NYC 2008 New Year's gig. Here is part of that performance. My crush for Alicia Keys grows.

Feist! So proud to see her career sky rocket and she always puts a fresh spin on her tunes. I find it amusing that Kanye West is a fan of hers. A solid performance of 1,2,3,4 by Feist. I am sure that I posted this already, but this is still my favourite version of Feist's Apple ditty. If you have not seen her live and you are a fan, make sure you see her play. She is playing a 2010 show coming up soon in Vancouver.

Amy Winehouse was quite uneven, but I loved her reaction when she won a Grammy.

What irks me about the Grammys is that I feel at times that the voters are out of touch with music in our society. Let's first ignore the fact that there is tons of music out there that doesn't get acknowledged, but I think these Grammys did a fair job of reflecting some solid albums out there. But Foo Fighters over Bruce Springsteen and Wilco?

Further proof that the voters are out of touch is shown with the last award of the night. Doesn't the concept of "Album of the Year" mean that people have actually heard of the album? Herbie Hancock's "River: The Joni Letters" just mystifies me as ALBUM OF THE YEAR! This is why I don't really put much stock in the Grammys. Look I love Joni Mitchell and I got nothing against Herbie Hancock ("Rocket" kicks ass), but c'mon! I never even knew this album existed. I think of the albums in the category I might have given the nod to Amy Winehouse.

Long live the Grammys

Bring on the Oscars